Key competences
There’s never been a better time to keep your neighbours happy and avoid costly social, regulatory and legal conflicts.

Odour emission measurement surveys
Measure… evaluate… control odours
Odour emission measurement is crucial to the regulation and control of environmental odours. Before you can define the extent of an odour problem, you need first to identify potential sources of odour emissions and understand their magnitude and characteristics.
Our environmental odour consultants are highly experienced in the measurement of odour emissions across all types of industry and will design odour sampling strategies to reflect your specific requirements.
All odour sampling and analysis is conducted in accordance with the EN 13725, European Standard for Olfactometry or other, published national and international technical and quality standards (such as EN 15259, EN 16911-1, VDI 3880, VDI 3884).

Sensory odour analysis services
Sensory odour analysis meeting the highest standards
Through our accredited odour laboratories specialising in sensory odour analysis, we offer you a wide selection of specialist odour testing services, including – but not limited to:
- odour concentration analysis (ouE/m3) according to EN 13725
- hedonic tone and odour intensity according to VDI 3882 and NVN 2818
- odour type descriptions
- odour threshold determination of pure substances and odour mixtures
- assessment of the sensory acuity of operational and regulatory staff
- odour character analysis
And, thanks to our mobile odour laboratory, we can deliver global knowledge on environmental odour management in your local area – even in countries where there isn’t an Olfasense office.

Molecular odour analysis services
Molecular odour analysis using cutting-edge technologies
Olfasense is in a unique position to have both sensory and molecular odour analysis capabilities in-house. We use molecular analysis, like high-resolution GC-MS and GC-Sniffing, to characterise the chemical composition of air samples, and to determine the concentration of specific airborne pollutants.
Examples of services offered in the field of molecular odour evaluation are:
- High-resolution GCMS, to characterize an odour in terms of specific VOCs
- GC Sniffing, to identify compound(s) responsible for an odour contamination in an air sample
- Gas chromatography coupled with ion-mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS), a very fast method to detect various substances within a couple of minutes
- analysis of siloxanes in biogas and air samples
- determination of specific compound groups (e.g. mercaptans and ketones)

Odour impact assessment
Manage your odour impact risk
Assessing the odour impact of an industrial installation is a complex process, and we are happy to advise you on the most suitable solution for your business.
We can offer assessments for planning, regulatory compliance, nuisance investigation and to support capital investment.
The methods we can offer include the following:
- Predictive impact assessments using simple or complex mathematical dispersion models
- Odour exposure assessment by direct field inspection (e.g. EN 16841)
- Community monitoring and complaint analysis
- Ambient odour monitoring and exposure profiling
One tool, specifically designed for EN 16841-1 compliant odour impact assessment, is the Olfasense Online Field Inspection Manager.

Odour dispersion modelling
Sophisticated odour modelling technology
Our consultants have extensive experience with a wide range of odour dispersion models, including conventional Gaussian models (e.g. Aermod, ADMS), and more advanced ‘puff’ and ‘particle’ dispersion modelling techniques (e.g. Austal, CALPUFF).
This offers means to assess the way in which environmental odours and air pollutants disperse within the atmosphere, making sure your site is as environmentally sound as possible by assessing the odour impact, measuring compliance and optimising odour control strategies.

Odour mitigation & control consultancy
Odour control system assessment & performance testing
Olfasense has accumulated significant global experience in odour mitigation and odour control. We’ve seen many applications of odour mitigation and control technologies succeed and fail across many industry sectors, so we can confidently assess the options within the context of your particular area of work.
We also have a great deal of experience in the development of effective operational odour management plans. These documents define the measures that are put in place to minimise odour release and odour impact risk on a day-to-day basis, and to manage community communication and odour complaints.

Odour complaint management
If a site that you manage emits odours, it may affect local residents.
Our environmental odour consultants are highly experienced strategic communicators, and can provide detailed advice on how to optimise communications and manage crisis situations to ensure a successful balance between the interests of the operator and those of the surrounding community.
We also offer a range of web-based solutions that are designed to identify the probable cause of odour complaints and potential spurious allegations or malicious behaviour. The Olfasense Ortelium® tool is a good example of successful odour complaint management.

Ortelium ®
Your key to managing odour complaints
Ortelium® simplifies odour complaints management by making it a more transparent process.
The Ortelium® application collects, displays and evaluates the relevant data, communicating it in a meaningful map-based display. By making forecasts and giving feedback to all parties involved in cases of reported odour nuisance, it can enhance community relations and defuse conflict situations.
Ortelium also offers features to facilitate and enrich odour measurement procedures, as well as for odour control. To find our more please visit

Odour monitoring systems & IOMS (e-noses)
An odour monitoring programme designed just for you
From continuous monitoring to source analysis, the wide variety of ambient air monitoring methods available means there’s plenty of scope for fine-tuning a solution to meet your needs – so that’s exactly what we do.
We’ll find the ambient odour monitoring techniques and devices that are most appropriate in terms of cost, reliability, level of detail and ease of operation.
In this way, we can create an odour monitoring strategy that will give you the best result.

Fugitive emissions measurement & leakage testing
Containment is key
Fugitive releases of odours from buildings and process tanks are often overlooked when investigating odour issues and be significant contributors to offsite odour problems. Such emissions are often variable since they are strongly influenced by processing and weather conditions, and hence can be difficult to identify and quantify.
Our consultants have a great deal of experience in this area and has developed a range of testing procedures which help our clients to assess the significance of and effectively manage fugitive emissions.
Our services include:
- smoke testing and thermal imaging to identify routes of odour/air escape
- air tightness and leakage measurement in buildings (based on ATTMA TS1 and EN 13829)
- gas tracers and decay monitoring

Bioaerosol monitoring
MCERTS Odour & Bioaerosols Monitoring
Olfasense UK Ltd is one of a handful of companies that offer MCERTS accredited bioaerosol and odour measurement from stacks in accordance with the Environment Agency’s standard method (BS EN 17359:2020) and EN 13725 Method Implementation Document (MID).
We also offer ambient bio-aerosol testing services for the assessment of diffuse sources such as composting operations and activated sludge processes in accordance Section 5 of the Environment Agency M9.

Dust monitoring
Manage your dust impact risk
Olfasense UK Ltd offers both ambient dust and personnel/occupational dust monitoring and data reporting services, using documented techniques published by IOSH and MDMS.
These services help site operates assess the impact of dust on their workers as well as investigate and confirm nuisance dust issues around operational facilities.

International odour projects
Global odour knowledge in a local context
Olfasense is everywhere! We can deliver cutting-edge odour consultancy and assessment services worldwide, thanks to our mobile odour laboratory and special team of experienced senior field technicians and odour consultants.
Our global projects team has particular experience in the logistical and cultural aspects of worldwide service delivery – so wherever your project is located, we can handle it.

Expert witness
Call in the odour experts
Looking for professional support in legal proceedings related to odour?
Skilled in gathering and preparing evidence, reviewing third-party expert reports, and advising clients and their legal representatives on a wide range of matters, our expert witness will help ensure that legal proceedings go smoothly.

Applied odour training
Specialist training in environmental odour management
If you need to be on top form in any aspect of odour assessment and control, you’ll want Olfasense’s specialist expertise at your fingertips.
By investing in one of our bespoke odour training courses, you’ll not only have the opportunity to learn from the experts, but you’ll also get invaluable, tailored advice.
With a range of group and individual odour training packages, we cater for staff in both industrial and regulatory roles.