Olfasense develops VOC emission test chamber for testing of combustible air fresheners

You’ll be excited to learn that we have recently expanded our instruments portfolio with a VOC emission test chamber that allows the characterization of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from combustible air fresheners.
Combustible air fresheners, such as scented candles, are intended to enhance the odour quality of indoor air by releasing their fragrance aromas through the candle smoke. This may lead to an increased level of volatile organic compounds (VOC), which can influence the quality of indoor air.
The European standard EN 16738 defines a test method for the determination of these VOC emissions from combustible air fresheners. The test method is based on the operation of an emission test chamber according to ISO 16000-9.
The newly developed Olfasense VOC emission test chamber with active temperature control allows the characterization of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from combustible air fresheners under precise test conditions. The chamber is fully compliant with the requirements of ISO 16000-9 and EN 16738, among others.
Olfasense VOC emission test chamber portfolio has steadily grown and evolved
Since we launched our first VOC emission test chamber in 2016, our portfolio has steadily grown and evolved.
What started with a single 250 Liter ISO 16000-9 compliant chamber has grown into a very diverse portfolio that allows for highly accurate and affordable VOC chamber testing in different industrial applications and meets the requirements of common European and international standards as well as specific manufacturers’ standards
Find out more about
- our 1 m³ VOC emission test chamber for highly accurate testing in the automotive industry
- VOC emission test chambers of various chamber volumes with active temperature control and thermal desorption function
- VOC emission test chambers of various chamber volumes to be used in a temperature-controlled room under general indoor air conditions
- our multi VOC test chamber system EK mRack, which can be equipped with up to 6 VOC emission test chambers
In addition, our engineering team, specialised in the development and design of both hardware and software, has regularly created individual customized VOC chamber testing solutions. These include for instance:
- our EKV pre-dilution device, which combines sampling and pre-dilution of air samples according to ISO 12219-7 and BMW GS 97014-4
- our VOC chamber storage cabinet systems according to ISO 16000-9
Trust in the reliability and user know-how of the worldwide market leader
Also, the VOC emission test chamber for testing combustible air fresheners described above has been developed from a client inquiry.
Being not only a technology innovator but also a user of our VOC emission test chambers within our accredited laboratory structure across Europe, we know the laboratory needs from our daily work. Both, in sampling and VOC analysis.
The combination of stakeholder involvement and our own day-to-day laboratory experience allows for the continuous development of reliable and user-friendly solutions from users for users, making our VOC emission test chamber unique in comparison to conventional, other products.
For technical specifications on the different available chambers, please contact Marc Andresen (mandresen@olfasense.com; +49 431 220 12 14).
We also invite you to use our laboratory showroom for a trial run, to perform your own tests and experience our chambers firsthand. Our Olfasense engineers will gladly assist you with your individual trial run.