Ortelium – Odour complaints management
If a site that you manage – or that’s within your area of responsibility – emits unpleasant odours, it may affect local residents.
No operator or regulator can control whether conflict will develop as a result – but, thanks to Ortelium, you can make sure that residents feel listened to if they decide to register an odour complaint.
Ortelium is an innovative, environmental data intelligence platform that plant operators, citizens and authorities can easily engage with. Ortelium records and visualises information from one or more odorous sites and the surrounding community to clarify the source of odour problems, and to respond quicker to potential issues – but also to identify potential false accusations.
Depending upon client requirements, the system can be configured as a private in-house complaints management tool or used as a publicly open web resource, promoting effective engagement and communication between site operators, regulators and the local community.
Already today, Ortelium has earned itself an excellent and ever-increasing reputation in the most varied cases across the globe with users in Europe, the Americas and Australia.
If you would like to experience the overall look and feel of Ortelium and its easy-to-use functions and features first-hand, please join us for a guided online tour.

- Instant logging of complaints and odour observations via a smartphone app or direct web input
- Powerful data analysis tools to identify trends, assist in complaints validation and visualise historic development of odour events
- Fully secure user management facility: Levels of authority can be customised, to tailor the data displayed to different users
- Integrate other relevant data channels, such as meteo station readings, sensors, modelling, (field) inspection results, etc. – so that a more complete picture
of the odour situation can be established - Ticketing system to follow-up on incoming observations, and, if desired, actively communicate the status and actions taken back to the observer
- Backtracking option to analyse the pathway of observations

Backtrajectory analysis for efficient odour complaint investigation
Ortelium offers you the option of integrating backtracking capabilities to instantly analyse the pathway of odour observations. Through advanced Hysplit Dispersion Modelling you can locate the potential source of, for instance, unpleasant odours by means of meteorological simulation and reverse trajectory modelling.
Reverse trajectories can be displayed on the map and animated through the timeline to understand complaint situations and the underlying meteorological and geographic influences better and faster, to prevent incidents related to air quality, odour and dust in the future. You can also provide evidence if your operations were not responsible for specific complaints, which is helpful especially in areas with a diversity of potential complaint sources. This allows you to use your resources only on justified complaints and to avoid misallocation of people, money and time.
Case Studies
1) Council of Kelsterbach, Germany
A municipality and the local municipal wastewater treatment plant use Ortelium to identify an odour source by integrating citizens directly into the odour management process.
2) Biopole Angers, France
A municipal waste management facility has been using Ortelium since 2012 to monitor odour impacts using volunteer community field panels, spontaneous resident odour observations and professional panels.
3) São João da Madeira, Portugal
In collaboration with the Sanjotec Living Lab, citizens and various local representatives of several industry sectors were integrated in the odour management process.