Celebrating the achievements of our colleagues on International Volunteer Day

It is with great pleasure to let you know that our German odour expert Dr. Heike Hauschildt was recently awarded the Badge of Honour of the VDI, the Association of German Engineers.
The presentation of the award was held on 28 November 2023 at the 10th VDI Conference „Odours in the environment“ in Leipzig.
Heike was recognized for her dedicated voluntary work in the VDI/DIN-Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL) and we are thrilled to congratulate her in the name of the entire Olfasense team on receiving this well-deserved honour.
It is a special coincidence that today is International Volunteer Day, which is celebrated on 5 December every year.
We would like to take this opportunity to recognize all of our colleagues who generously invest their time and commitment in voluntary work alongside their daily responsibilities.
- Established policy work
At Olfasense, our experts contribute their expertise and many years of experience to national and international standardisation work, offering valuable practical insights in the application of technical standards and guidelines to working groups and committees.
- Sharing experiences and establishing networks
Volunteering also enables us to exchange knowledge and build partnerships. The professional exchange at eye level with the various stakeholders helps us to gain fresh perspectives to apply to our daily work.
- Nationwide and international cooperation
We contribute our specialist expertise to our voluntary work not only at a national level, but also on an international scale. Olfasense experts maintain close relationships with other odour professionals around the world, allowing for a global exchange of ideas and expertise.
So once again congratulations to Heike and #kudos to all of our colleagues for their continued dedication.
Find out more about our involvement in relevant odour working and standardisation groups and get in contact via contact@olfasense.com to learn more.