Olfasense - From Odour Data to Odour Knowledge
From Odour Data to Odour Knowledge
Olfasense heeft duizenden geuronderzoeken uitgevoerd in Europa, Canada, Noord-Amerika, Latijns-Amerika, Azië en Australië. Ook hebben we wereldwijd meer dan 400 laboratoria, onderzoeksinstituten, universiteiten en bedrijven voorzien van gespecialiseerde, op maat gesneden meetapparatuur voor het uitvoeren geurmetingen en –analyses.

Onze kernactiviteiten
Milieukundig geuronderzoek
Olfasense heeft meer dan 30 jaar ervaring op het gebied van milieukundig geuronderzoek, en biedt een breed spectrum van diensten als het gaat om het identificeren, meten, beoordelen, en beheersen van geur in de leefomgeving.
Olfasense is huisadviseur op het gebied van geur van vele vooraanstaande bedrijven wereldwijd, en levert niet alleen geurmetingen en -analyses, maar kan u tevens adviseren over de beste aanpak om de geuremissie en -belasting in de omgeving beheersbaar te krijgen én te houden.

Product optimalisatie en materiaal testen
Hebben uw producten de geur van succes? Met onze sensorische testen kunnen wij het u vertellen!
Verder kunnen wij u helpen bij het optimaliseren van uw product, het ondersteunen van uw kwaliteitscontrole op het gebied van geur, en het wetenschappelijk onderbouwen van productclaims.
Dus welk geur- of moleculair aspect van uw product u ook wenst te onderzoeken, wij kunnen u de juiste antwoorden bieden!

Apparatuur voor geurmetingen
Olfasense is wereldwijd toonaangevend leverancier van apparatuur en technologie voor geurmetingen, zoals olfactometers, monstername-apparatuur, software en nog veel meer.
Onze speciaal ontwikkelde unieke technologie wordt gebruikt door meer dan 400 laboratoria, onderzoeksinstituten, universiteiten en bedrijven over de hele wereld.

Kwaliteitsmanagement voor geurlaboratoria
Als je een geurlaboratorium runt, dan wil je de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteit bereiken – en kunnen aantonen dat je aan de kwaliteitseisen kan voldoen.
De kwaliteitsmanagement diensten van Olfasense zijn erop gericht om u daarbij te ondersteunen.
Project wereldkaart
Feedback van klanten

Uitzonderlijk gebruiksvriendelijke apparatuur met uitzonderlijke software en bijbehorend LIMS-systeem. De ondersteuning na verkoop is uitstekend.
Mark McGarry, Managing Director at AXIS Environmental Services
We zijn erg tevreden over het instrument en Marc’s service, zijn competentie en beschikbaarheid.
Alessio Del Carlo, ARPA Emilia Romagna
During the work on the odour research, Olfasense employees showed high professionalism and focus on the results. It was a pleasure to work with a team of highly skilled specialists.
Market-leading Russian tobacco company

Frans Vossen from Olfasense came to HMEL’s Guru Gobind Singh Refinery in Punjab, India to help us understand and deal with odor complaints from the surrounding villages. Frans left us with severable clear action items to reduce odors. As a result of his work, we have reduced odor complaints by over 50%. We searched the world to find Frans. He is the leader in the field of odor identification and elimination.
Martin Hawkins, COO, HMEL

Hierbij willen we onze oprechte dankbaarheid uitspreken aan Olfasense GmbH voor hun bijdrage en algehele geleverde assistentie, voortdurende inspanning en technische begeleiding & expertise in het proces van het uitbreiden van het toepassingsgebied van ons EN 17025:2017 laboratorium naar geurconcentratiebepaling door dynamische olfactometrie, volgens de EN 13725:2022 norm, met uitstekende resultaten. We hadden het geluk om producten van superieure kwaliteit in handen te krijgen, uitgebreide trainingsprogramma’s te ontvangen en mee te doen aan bekwaamheidstests terwijl we ons onderdeel voelden van een grote familie. De professionaliteit en ondersteunende mentaliteit van Olfasense GmbH maakte deze missie tot een plezierige en gemakkelijke ervaring die ons door de toekomst zal leiden met vertrouwen en passie voor wat komen gaat!
Apostolos Angelis, Head of Olfactometry Dpt. at ENVIROMETRICS S.A.

The TO evolution olfactometer and the services offered by Olfasense for the maintenance and calibration of this equipment enable us to offer our customers a high quality service (accuracy, repeatability and speed of analysis) to the highest international standards. We particularly appreciated the possibility of shipping Olfasense our dilution unit for the annual accredited calibration. By planning this operation, it did not affect the productivity of the laboratory. We have had the pleasure to obtain our accreditation according to ISO 17025 with our new equipment which has met all the expectations of the evaluators of the BELAC (design, calibration, data protection, stability, precision, reliability …).
Loïc Raymond, Technical Manager for odours and gas chemistry at Odometric

We have been using Olfasense’s emission test chambers since market launch and we are very satisfied with both the product and the service. In our recent ISO 17025 accreditation audit, the installed emission test chambers have been successfully approved by the German accreditation body DAkkS, and are now included under the accreditation scope of Hohenstein Textile Testing Institute.
Rainer Fusenig, Assistant Head of Laboratory, Hohenstein Textile Testing Institute

FORCE Technology has worked with olfactometry for 30 years, and for the last two years used a TO8 Olfactometer from Olfasense as our only olfactometer. We are very satisfied with the function of the TO8, which is easy to handle and have good report facilities.
Arne Oxböl, Project engineer at FORCE Technology

DSM Coating Resins makes products used in paints and lacquers, and is driven to low VOC emissions. For our VOC measurements, we have been using Olfasense’s EK250 emission test chamber for half a year now. We are very content with both the installation and the service of Olfasense. The EK250 is robust and easy in use and it meets our expectations as we are now fully compliant with the ISO 16000-9 standard.
Diane de Bruijne, R&D associate scientist, DSM Coating Resins

We would like to thank the Olfasense team for their help, advice and trainings from the beginning of foundation of our odour laboratory up to now. The whole process was simple and trouble-free, resulting in having an effectively functioning odour laboratory. Thanks for the excellent and fast service and I look forward to working with Olfasense for the foreseeable future.
Algirdas Keblas, National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory
I found the lab team to be very helpful with any questions that I had. Good communication and quick to respond to any queries.
Customer Feedback
Most liked features of the Olfasense service: The Consultant’s expertise, meeting deadlines agreed, clearly written reports, and willingness to engage with people within the business.
Customer feedback
Our company was faced with a difficult task to propose a new odour limit in a non EU country in order to change an emission permit to one where we no longer needed to measure dozens of emissions which were non-hazardous, costly to analyze and could not be controlled. Some said that the task was impossible and we should not even try. We were pointed by some industry colleagues to Olfasense and after exchanging just a few emails about work Olfasense does and their international experience, we knew we had a right partner for this job.
Annamarie Velic, Sustainability Manager at large retail company

Odournet UK Ltd [now Olfasense UK Ltd] have supported many of our remediation schemes over the past 5 years and we will undoubtedly continue to use them.
Dave Jacob, Principal Consultant, RSK

Odournet UK Ltd purchased two TO evolution olfactometers in 2015 and 2016, from Olfasense GmbH. Olfasense have provided a great service, with efficient supply and installation of our olfactometers and knowledgeable, friendly support whenever we’ve needed it. We were quickly able to integrate these olfactometers into our long-standing UKAS accreditation. We have always been very confident in this technology, but have recently received the results of the worldwide interlaboratory comparison that we participated in, earlier in 2016, and are exceptionally happy with our achievement using the TO evolution olfactometers. We were within the top 3 places, for accuracy, out of 36 participating similar odour labs!
Lucy Sutton, Quality Manager at Odournet UK Ltd

Dax Airscience staff are certified to collect odour samples and recommend Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] laboratory for odour analysis.
Dax Airscience Ltd
Over the years, Olfasense has demonstrated to be a reliable supplier of olfactometry services for us. We are satisfied with their professional non-defensive open attitude, to listen to our concerns and needs, and co-operate to achieve the best possible experimental setup. The generated data are in an agreed format (flawless!), and delivered in time.
Peter Degenhart, Lead Scientist at one of the world’s largest polypropylene producers

We carefully selected Olfasense as a highly qualified and specialized consultant to support us in analyzing the odor/off-gases of a production plant in China. Apart from professionalism I consider easy access, flexibility and interactive communication on execution and reporting as the key elements that made this project successful.
Ron Thiecke, Director Safety, Health and Environment, DSM Sinochem

For iLF Magdeburg GmbH, customer service comes first. We expect the same from our suppliers. In our view, Olfasense fulfills this in a first-class manner. The support and advice as well as the reliability of the Olfasense emission chambers are the decisive factors for us, which we will continue to rely on in future projects.
Dr. Ute Holzhausen, Head Materials Analysis at iLF Magdeburg GmbH

We have used Olfasense for service and calibration twice and appreciate the fast and reliabte service. Our olfactometer was out of service for only six days. lt was easy to arrange with Olfasense calibration department. We have a good contact with Olfasense’s technicians and get quick answers, when we have technical questions.
Arne Oxböl, Project engineer at FORCE Technology

My company has been working with Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] now for several years to support our site emissions monitoring requirements. To date the services undertaken have been of consistently high quality. Odournet staff are professional and knowledgeable and take pride in their work. As a company I have found them to be reliable and provide excellent technical support and explanation in a prompt manner.
Gemma Saunders, Urbaser

Olfasense has provided training in the use of their olfactometer and calibration of the equipment, allowing optimal equipment performance and reliable measurement results.
Sayda Almendra Marmolejo Correa, CIATEC A.C.

Heel professioneel personeel, snelle en precieze antwoorden en kwaliteitsapparatuur die voldoet aan onze behoeften. Een uitstekende partner voor de activiteiten van ons bedrijf.
Giovanna Turturro, Lenviros srl
We are using products from Olfasense for many years now and also take advantage of the regular calibration service. We are very satisfied with both, product and service, and were promptly served at each request. In addition to the olfactory tools, we commissioned GC-MS analysis and specific testing, and both services have been done to our utmost satisfaction at all time. Thank you for that.
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Eich, Development Ventilation, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH

Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] was able to respond quickly to perform an Odour Impact Assessment to support a planning application. The consultants approached the project in a professional and methodical way. The outcome of the study helped us eliminate fugitive emissions, improve our odour management practices and secure planning. I definitely recommend their services.
Henk Stoker, Solue Limited

Olfasense has provided technical support since 2000, including training, equipment calibration and technical advice. This has allowed us to apply olfactometry in the central region of Mexico to develop odour maps in cities with these problems, identifying the sources that cause them, the existing odour concentration and impact on the population, which has allowed to implement corrective measures.
Sayda Almendra Marmolejo Correa, CIATEC A.C.

Having worked together as consultants in a large odour management project in Doha, Qatar, we were able to develop a strong partnership, supported by Odournet’s [now Olfasense UK Ltd] experience and industry know-how and combining it with our engineering background, being able to bear all requirements under the scope and lead the project into a very successful outcome. We look forward to working with Nick Jones again.
Joaquim Beleza, Douro ECI
Based on your olfactory data we have already gained good quantitative insights into the key (off) odour drivers so your data turned out to be very actionable for us. Thanks for the good work.
Dr Eduard P.P.A. Derks, Senior Scientist Analytics & Statistics, DSM Resolve

We have been using Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] for several years to help manage our odour abatement systems on site. They have always been extremely pro-active, supportive and a pleasure to deal with.
Justin Dampney, Eco Sustainable Solutions Ltd

We have had an olfactometer device since 2012 and we haven’t experienced any technical problem until now. We have only had a little issue with the software of the instrument but Olfasense’s authorized staff was really helpful to solve it.
Sercan Soytaş, ARTEK
I have always found Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd]) to be very helpful, responsive and professional.
Lead Engineer at a multinational water utilities company
We wish to thank Olfasense GmbH for the services the Company provided in the start-up of our Dynamic Olfactometry Laboratory, the first installed in Central ltaly. Olfasense GmbH took care to build up the system and the equipment was set up successfully. At present, our Dynamic Olfactometry Laboratory has already qualified a significant number of panel members and it’s fully operational. The annual internal audit was carried out by the University of Perugia in February 2017 and the auditors really appreciated the olfactometer (audit report conclusions: “The organization shows a good level of dynamism regarding the ability to seize business opportunities in the economic environment in which it operates, as evidenced by the opening of a new laboratory for the measurement of the concentration of odour substances in the air (Dynamic Olfactometry)”). Olfasense also organized a very effective theoretical and practical training about EN 13725, performing sampling, panel selection, and measurements.
Michele Goretti, Quality Manager & Researcher at the University of Perugia

We were among the very first who introduced olfactometers to the local air quality assessment work in Russia by purchasing the piece of equipment at Olfasense. With Olfasense’s highly professional and friendly methodological and technical support we learned the technique and have been applying it ever since. We can attest that the whole cycle of our cooperation has been effective and pleasant.
SRI Atmosphere JSC
We have maintained a strong and reliable relationship for over seven years. During the work, Odournet [Olfasense UK Ltd] employees showed a high level of professionalism and were very helpful and proactive when changeable circumstances occurred. Having used Odournet’s services for 7 years we are happy about our initial choice and thank there team for all the hard work they have provided.
Major player within the UK and Irish food industry

Big thank you to all your team. Excellent support and excellent service from everyone.
Martin Futter, Element MTE

For many years we have analysed odour with an olfactometer from Olfasense. The equipment is very reliable, and we have never been in a position where it was not possible to perform the analyses planned. Only once we have experienced an error to the olfactometer. The error was discovered during in-house inspection of the olfactometer on the day before a large series of analyses – with quick and qualified help from the service department of Olfasense, the series of analyses could be performed as planned and within time limit established by the European Standard for odour determination by dynamic olfactometry. Excellent Service!
Ole Pontoppidan, Danish Meat Research Institute

Our experience with Olfasense has been very pleasant from the beginning. We have been fully trusting their advice and equipment to measure odours for 5 years. Their TO8 evolution olfactometer was perfectly adapted to our ISO 17025: 2017 management system, improving the quality of the results of our laboratory located in Chile.
Miguel Gatica, Deputy Manager Odour Engineering; Proterm S.A.
You are looking for a company with great experience, high flexibility, and a highly motivated team helping you to find everything around odor that can be measured? With the great experience and human panel, Olfasense was helping us to demonstrate the measurable odor control performance from our new material for human hygiene products. In a second step, they were also helping us to develop a short and easy method to demonstrate the odor control capability in a visual test which we can show to our customers in less than 5 minutes. All this work was done in a very short time fitting our tight project realization. With the help from Olfasense, we have been able to smoothly implement our new product into the market. We will definitely consult the great Olfasense team again when we would need similar support in the future.
World leading non-woven manufacturer

We have used Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] for last 10 years and over this period we have found Odournet’s expertise to be professional, focussed and practical. I would definitely recommend Odournet’s expertise to be used by other businesses. They are good at what they do.
Naeem Hafeez, Veolia Water

I am delighted with the service provided, subject knowledge and professional attitude of all staff that I deal with.
Neil Chisnal, TEAMS North Ltd

AIMPLAS decided to purchase the Olfasense emissions chamber because of its professionalism, its proximity and, above all, the knowledge it demonstrated of the requirements of automotive standards. Something very important for us. During the installation of the equipment, Olfasense helped the AIMPLAS staff to understand everything that is necessary for the correct functioning of the chamber, demonstrating once again their professionalism. Without a doubt, it was a good choice.
Nuria García Batista, PhD.; Chemical Laboratory – Identification; AIMPLAS

Having worked with Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] since 2012 on a number of high profile / challenging odour projects I have found their technical knowledge and support to be invaluable in ensuring that the appropriate solution is delivered. The flexibility of their approach and their regulatory knowledge has supported my team and I to achieve many successes over the years.
Peter O’Kane, Veolia

The course content was excellent. We covered all issues on the EN 13725 and a lot of the VDI 3880. However, the differentiating factor, undoubtedly, was Marc. Besides being completely flexible, and very, very patient, (despite being bombarded with questions!), the sharing of his practical experience both in the field and in the lab was what made the trip worthwhile. Marc’s commitment to customer satisfaction and follow-up were further confirmed by his making himself available for a session or two via Zoom if and when we have any queries in the coming months. After the training, we feel fully equipped to carry out odour monitoring to the EN 13725 Standard, while also incorporating the VDI 3880. Olfasense proved to be the optimal choice for their commitment to results, experience, and after-sales service and follow-up.
Ronan O’Mhaoinigh, University College Dublin

Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] is a trusted supplier to Golder Associates (UK) Limited. They are approachable, reliable and meticulous in their work and deliver clear concise and accessible reports. The team will always do what they can to accommodate urgent/complex requests and are a pleasure to work with.
Ruth Fain, Golder Associates (UK) Limited
Grote inzet en begrip voor onze behoeften. Proactieve en op samenwerking gerichte aanpak. Uitstekende technische specialisten en duidelijke en beknopte rapporten.
Senior ingenieur in een groot Brits utilitiebedrijf

From SGS we want to congratulate Olfasense on the quality of its equipment and thank the technical support for the development of our odour test service. Its constant support over more than 10 years of collaboration has been a key aspect to position ourselves as a reference laboratory in Spain and offer the maximum guarantees to our customers. Relying on Olfasense is a sign of having quality equipment and exceptional staff.
SGS Tecnos, S.A.U.; Laboratorio de Olfatometría

De service en het advies waren zeer professioneel en uitgebreid.
Sian Tranter, Allerdale Borough Council

Prompt response, very good communication throughout & overall very flexible.
The study undertaken by Odournet [now Olfasense UK Ltd] allowed us to make informed decisions in regulating the facility, and identified pragmatic solutions for addressing odour issues. The report Odournet provided was detailed, thorough and easy to understand.
Administrative body, UK

With Olfasense we have been maintaining a strong and reliable long term supplier relationship for over 7 years. They have proven to be responsive to our needs by developing innovative and bespoke test designs in the field of deodorant testing.
Susanne Treibel, Team Leader Product Testing Deodorants, Beiersdorf AG

Our cooperation with Olfasense has started few years ago in area of odors. Since then, their equipment portfolio became wider and even more attractive for us. We are happy users of EK1000 materials emission testing chamber which strongly increased our capacity for emission testing with reducing the maintenance cost. Few issues have arisen since introduction however these were always solved asap. (…) The expertise, knowledge and flexibility make Olfasense really trustworthy partner not only equipment provider.
Dr Krzysztof Brodzik, Materials Testing Department Manager bei BOSMAL Automotive Research & Development Institute Ltd
The Olfasense TO9 evolution olfactometer is compact and can be easily set up. Technical experts provide prompt and helpful replies for the operation and the use of the software. The use of the software is user-friendly for our laboratory staff.
ALS, Hong Kong
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