​Olfasense GmbH moves into a new laboratory facility

Umzug Olfasense GmbH

​Olfasense GmbH has moved its German office within the city of Kiel and is now located in the Kiel Innovation and Technology Center (KITZ).

With much more dedicated laboratory space, we are able to offer you more laboratory capacities for odour measurements. Besides an olfactometry laboratory, we have a dedicated laboratory for deodorant studies and an additional lab for human sensory assessments. Also, our cutting-edge molecular laboratory for GC-MS and GC-sniffing services has moved into a larger facility. Our new laboratory also comes with a large area for our advanced sampling infrastructure, including our EK1000 VOC chamber.


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In addition, we are very pleased to announce that we have passed the ​​accreditation audit by the German accreditation body DAkkS at our new facility, confirming that our odour laboratories continue to work on the highest quality level.

While all email addresses and phone numbers remain unchanged, we kindly ask you to update the new address as follows:

Olfasense GmbH
Schauenburgerstr. 116
24118 Kiel

We very much look forward to working with you.

In case of any questions, feel free to contact our team via de@olfasense.com or +49 431 220 120.


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