#FeatureFriday – Protect Planet Bee

Today is #FeatureFriday… 🐝🍄.. and we want to put the spotlight on a really cool project here in Kiel, Germany.
The team of Protect Planet Bee is investigating how feeding bees with special mushrooms helps to strengthen the immune system of bees and thus make them healthier. So now we are sharing the garden at the Kitz – Kieler Innovations- und Technologiezentrum with some bee colonies.
As a #FridaySadFact, bees are having a really hard time due to many threats, including the mass use of agricultural chemicals, noise and air pollution, monoculture, and many more. And since a huge amount of the human food supply is dependent on bee pollination, any threat to bees is a threat to humans.
So big #Kudos 👏 to Protect Planet Bee on saving the bees and maintaining our ecosystems!
As a #FridayFunFact – did you know that bees have a highly developed sense of smell? They are using their “noses” (actually it’s their antennas) not only to locate sources of food, but also for communication.
Because of their enormous sense of smell, they are also used in detecting explosives and drugs. And lately, they are trained to detect covid-19 infections, too. Un-bee-lievable!
We’ll definitely keep an eye on the bees of Protect Planet Bee. Maybe they can assist us in our daily odour testing routines. 😉
#beenice #savethebees #protectplanetbee #senseofsmell #beeinspired