Nick Jones at IES Webinar: Odour assessment toolkit

We invite you to join Nick Jones at a free webinar on environmental odour assessment organised by Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) on Thursday, 11 February 2021 – 12:30pm to 1:15pm (GMT).
Nick’s presentation will outline the various odour analysis and assessment techniques currently available to investigate odour problems for planning, permitting or nuisance investigation purposes. Besides the identification of odour sources, the webinar will look at sensory and chemical odour analysis techniques, as well as dispersion modelling. A number of interesting case studies will illustrate how these can be applied. Last but not least, Nick will provide an outlook on the forthcoming developments in odour assessment science.
To register for the webinar, please visit the IES website or go directly to the webinar registration page. The webinar is free for all to attend.
Nick Jones is managing director of Olfasense UK Ltd (formerly Odournet UK Ltd) and an internationally recognised expert in odour assessment and control. Nick has over twenty years of specialist experience, including the delivery of several hundred projects for a wide range of clients in the public, wastewater, waste, food, agricultural, and industrial sectors. He has also conducted research and provided advice on odour assessment and control to a wide range of public and private organisations that include the UK Environment Agency, UK Government, Irish Environmental protection Agency, UK Water, and the composting/waste sector. He is an experienced expert witness and has represented private and public clients at planning inquiries, civil/criminal legal cases and arbitration/mediation proceedings. He currently represents the British Standards Institute (BSI) within a number of European working groups developing odour related standards.
The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) is a charitable organisation which promotes and raises public awareness of environmental science by supporting professional scientists and academics working in this crucial arena. Founded in 1971, the Institution has strong ties with Higher Education and promotes and supports environmental science and sustainable development in universities and colleges both nationally and internationally.