Poster on odour control efficacy testing at the SEPAWA congress 2023

Scientific poster on odour control efficacy at SEPAWA 2023

During 25 and 27 October 2023, SEPAWA, one of the largest specialist associations of the detergents, cleansers, cosmetics and fragrance industries in Europe, will organize its annual congress in Berlin.

This congress is aimed at professionals from both SMEs and major companies, scientists from industry and the university sector as well as representatives of authorities and consumer associations. The event provides a platform for attendees to learn about the latest industry developments, share knowledge and experiences, and network with other professionals.

Our odour expert Rita Ribau Domingues will present a scientific poster entitled “Sensory evaluation for improving the odour control efficacy of carpet cleaning products, a case study”. The poster has been produced in collaboration with our UK partner Aqdot Limited.

We would like to recognize the co-authors of the scientific poster, Ben Cheesman, Rodrigo Kopruszinski, and Alina Beier and their teams, whose knowledge and experience contributed to a comprehensive and well-rounded approach of this research.

We invite you to join us and learn more about this exciting case study during the presentation of the poster at the SEPAWA congress. You can check out the abstract using this link: (Scroll down to “Poster Overview”, select “Scientific Posters SEPAWA” and look for Poster 80)

We hope to meet you there. If you would like to receive more information or to arrange a one-on-one meeting beforehand to find out whether Olfasense’s odour testing services can be beneficial for you, please feel free to contact us via


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