Odour field inspection project near Nijmegen

Odour Project ONSL 2022

Our Dutch Olfasense team was recently accompanied by a film crew during an exciting odour project near Nijmegen.

In the project, the team around Danielle Doorn uses an odour field inspection method with the aim to identify the companies that smell the most in this area.

This is done using a trained odour panel, which determines the distance of where the odour plume of a company is not recognisable anymore. That way it is possible to pin down which companies are causing the most odour nuisance in a specific area.

With the results, the local municipality will have a better grip on which sources are most likely responsible for causing odour complaints. In a next step, these potential sources could be evaluated by further odour investigations.

If you speak Dutch, the following link will lead you to the full-length video: Odour field inspection project near Nijmegen

For all others: Feel free to get in touch with our team via nl@olfasense.com to find out more about the project and the underlying odour test method.


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