Olfasense presents odour wheel with sniffing sticks

Odour wheel with sniffing sticks

One of the most demanding tasks in odour testing is to establish a sensory description of the odour character, or in other words, to describe what an odour smells like.

A constructive olfactory characterization requires the use of a common language among panellists.

A successful method to establish a common language among odour panellists is the use of an odour wheel and sniffing sticks with corresponding odour characters.

Olfasense has developed an odour wheel that provides panellists with an overview of odour characters structured in classes. The odour wheel is based on odour literature and was refined by experienced Olfasense GC-sniffing panellists, who also selected the most suitable sniffing sticks.

Find out more about our odour wheel with sniffing sticks

Do you need a customised odour wheel with sniffing sticks, specially adapted to your needs? Our team is ready for the challenge. So please get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements.


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