Olfactometer separation screen extensions

With COVID-19, sensory laboratory work demands extended safety and hygiene conditions to protect your panellists and your laboratory team. Especially for dynamic olfactometry social distancing is a challenge.
Aside from other measures, such as individual nosemasks for each panel member, a practical solution is to create individual cabins for olfactometer panellists.
The picture above shows the Olfasense solutions with separation screen extensions. These partition walls are available for the older TO8/TO9 series, as well as for the latest generation of dynamic olfactometers such as the TO8/9 evolution and the TO evolution stationary olfactometers (4 and 6 place).
To receive an individual quote for your olfactometer please contact sales@olfasense.com.
Are you facing another challenge in your odour laboratory? Our engineering team, specialised in the development and design of both hardware and software, is ready to give some thought to the application you’re looking for.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Stay healthy!
Kind regards,
Your Olfasense Team