Hotte d’échantillonnage ventilée
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The ventilated sampling hood is part of the 30-minute CSD30 odour sampling system. It’s used primarily for sampling non-ventilated, odour-emitting solid or liquid area sources. When sampling liquids, floats are attached to the sides of the hood.
The hood itself is automatically ventilated by two radial fans with a constant volumetric flow. The inlet fan sucks in outside air via an exchangeable orifice and transports the air from the top into a corner of the hood through an active carbon filter.
From there, the air is distributed across the whole surface of the hood, and absorbs the emitted odourants.It is then extracted to the opposite corner by the second radial fan, via another exchangeable orifice with the same volumetric flow.
The sample for olfactometer tests (usually carried out using the CSD30 sampling system) is taken from the suction nozzles. The same volumetric flow is provided on the inlet side and the suction side.

The ventilated sampling hood is fully compliant with:
- EN 13725
- VDI 3880
- For sampling on solid or liquid surfaces
- CSD30 mountable
- Light and easy to use
- High-quality batteries, sufficient for about six samples per charge