Meet Ortelium and Odoro at the iTanks Techniekfestival

iTanks Festival

Together with our Belgian Ortelium partner Odoro, our Ortelium team will be participating in the iAsk Techniekfestival in Rotterdam on 31 May 2024.

The event is organized by iTanks, a knowledge and innovation platform for the port-related industry, and will connect knowledge institutes, industry experts and policy makers around the new technologies and latest innovations from within and also outside the sector.

Our Ortelium Solution Manager Camelia-Eliza Telteu is looking forward to welcoming you at our booth to show you how our cloud-based software solution enables organizations to combine and streamline different data channels for a holistic odour and air quality management approach.

Camelia will be accompanied by Gert de Bruyn from Odoro. Odoro ( has 20 years of experience in helping businesses to control their odour emissions in a cost-efficient manner, assisting SMEs and multinationals across a large number of sectors and activities. Since 2018, Odoro has been an Ortelium distributor and has implemented projects in various industry sectors.

In addition, Camelia and Gert will hold a live session to showcase how Ortelium facilitates and enriches the daily work of companies in the field of odour and air quality assessment, as well as related complaint validation in due time by means of back trajectory analysis, real-time dispersion modelling, and integration of Instrumental Odour Monitoring Systems (IOMS).

Would you like to discuss a specific project? Come visit us to experience the overall look and feel of our Ortelium platform at first hand.

To find out more about the conference visit the website iTanks Techniekfestival. If you would like to arrange a meeting with the Ortelium/Odoro experts, please get in touch with Camelia via


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