SAVE THE DATE – 2023 Olfasense Odour Workshop on Product & Material Testing

We are happy to start the new year with a great announcement.
Registration for our 2023 Olfasense Odour Workshop on Product and Material Testing is now open!
On 10 and 11 May 2023, we will welcome you at our Olfasense laboratory facilities for sensory and molecular odour testing in Kiel, Germany.
Our team is currently putting together the preliminary programme – but if you cannot wait, please feel free to register right away by clicking on the following button.
To ensure perfect conditions for in-depth communication, we are limiting the total number of participants to 35.
Our workshop aims at a wide range of industrial sectors that are involved in product and material testing and provides information on odour evaluation in this area. In addition to a series of presentations by relevant specialists, and practical sessions on specific odour measurement techniques in our lab facilities, you will get the opportunity to discuss specific questions in one-on-one sessions.
More information and details on the programme will follow shortly. To learn more about previous workshops, please visit