Olfasense instruments and software sales department will be on summer vacation

Dear Olfasense clients, colleagues, and friends,
Please note that our instruments and software sales department is closed from 18 July to 5 August 2022. No inquiries will be processed during this time.
We will recharge our batteries to return full of energy and with new fresh and original ideas.
Please note that all other Olfasense departments, including our technical support, will be available as usual.
Please send them your inquiries via:
Technical support: support@olfasense.com
Environmental services: envi@olfasense.com
Product & material testing: pm@olfasense.com
Proficiency tests: qaqc@olfasense.com
Your Olfasense team
Liebe Olfasense Kunden, Kollegen und Freunde,
in diesem Jahr verabschiedet sich das Geräte und Software Sales Team der Olfasense GmbH vom 18.07.2022 bis zum 05.08.2022 in den Sommerurlaub.
Alle anderen Olfasense Abteilungen und unser technischer Service stehen wie gewohnt zur Verfügung.
Ihr Olfasense Team