Thanks for joining us at the ENVIROMANAGEMENT 2023

On 2 and 3 October, our odour experts Bettina Mannebeck and Dietmar Mannebeck participated in the 13th international experts conference ENVIROMANAGEMENT 2023.
More than 100 participants from over 10 different countries, including Slovakia, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, England, the Czech Republic and Romania, attended.
Exciting presentations on the collection of a wide variety of data from the waste sector were presented over 1.5 days. The Olfasense lecture on the requirements of odour measurement, the possibilities of odour prediction, and the evaluation of odour nuisance was also followed with interest.
The visit to a composting plant at the foot of the High Tatras showed a good project for local recycling of biowaste. The programme was rounded off by the special location in the High Tatras with a cosy, traditional evening.
We would like to thank the organisers for putting together such an interesting and diverse programme and for giving us the opportunity to present the topic of odour management to the different groups of participants. In addition, thanks to everyone visiting us at our exhibition stand for the fruitful discussions.
Feel free to contact our experts via, if you were not able to attend and/or would like to learn more about our latest solutions for tackling odour-related problems, such as our environmental data intelligence platform Ortelium.