Olfasense poster at the 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium

Pangborn 2021

During 9 and 12 August, you will have the possibility to meet our P&M consultant Lieke van Genderen at the #Pangborn21, which is organized as a global virtual event.

At the 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium with the focus topic ‘Sustainable Sensory Science’, Lieke will present a poster entitled “Odour panel calibration”.

To get a glimpse of what you can expect in Lieke’s poster presentation, check out her video pitch on Youtube:


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Registration for live participation is already open and will include on-demand access to the conference proceedings after the event.

Find out more on the event website: http://www.pangbornsymposium.com/

If you would like to arrange a virtual one-on-one meeting beforehand, please feel free to contact Lieke directly via lvangenderen@olfasense.com.


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