Benefit from Olfactory Acuity Assessments offered by Olfasense UK Ltd.

Olfactory acuity testing

The laboratory team in our Olfasense UK branches have been busy over the past few weeks providing Olfactory Acuity Testing whilst keeping to social distancing guidelines, as you can see from the picture shared by our clients Redmore Environmental outside our Northwich branch.

The purpose of this testing is to determine the odour sensitivity of an individual and understand how representative they are when compared to the general population. The results are often taken into consideration when individuals are involved in odour monitoring, e.g. consultants undertaking field surveys.

We are one of the only UKAS accredited laboratories able to carry out Olfactory Acuity Tests according to EN 13725 in the UK, so if you require this service get in touch with our UK odour laboratory managers Amber Simm ( or Scott Martin (


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