Meet Olfasense at the virtual conference «Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials»

The 23rd Conference «Odour and Emissions of Plastic Materials» will be organized as a fully virtual event during 23 and 24 March 2021.
As in previous years, the University of Kassel, Institute of Materials Science, has put together an interesting programme, covering the following main topics:
- Consumer products
- Analysis
- Automotive
- Materials
Olfasense is glad to be sponsoring this well-established event.
Our team is looking forward to discussing the latest development in plastics material testing at our virtual stand. In addition, we will take you on an online tour of our 1 m³ VOC emission test chamber EK1000.
Our experts have also prepared different lectures for the event. Please save the following dates:
- 23 March, 12:45 pm // Section B – Analysis
Requirements for the Calibration of an Emission Test Chamber using the example of the Olfasense EK1000
D. Mannebeck (Olfasense GmbH) and A. Höink (SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH) - 24 March, 9:15 am // Section C – Automotive
Proficiency Test VDA270 2020
L. Brosig (Olfasense GmbH)
Early bird prices are valid until 23 February. For more information about the conference please visit