Olfasense laboratories successful in odour emission proficiency test

The accredited Olfasense laboratories in Germany and the Netherlands participated in the odour emission proficiency test RV 511O organised by the Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (Hessisches Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie). In this proficiency test, our sampling teams took samples at the emission simulation apparatus (ESA) in Hessen, where 4 different odour components (both single compounds and mixtures) were presented: n-butanol, organic solvent mixture (ETX), tetrahydrothiophene (THT) and artificial pigsty mixture.

The German team analysed the samples on site with the mobile laboratory (model TO8 olfactometer), the Dutch team analysed the samples in the permanent laboratory in Amsterdam (model TO evolution olfactometer).

We are proud to announce that both teams passed the test for all four substances. Our results will be included in the annual report 2018 which will be available later this year at pt.hlnug.de.

Olfasense would like to thank HLNUG for the excellent organisation!


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