​Olfasense B.V. welcomes new consultant for Product & Material Testing

Olfasense is pleased to welcome Lieke van Genderen who joined our Product & Material Testing team on 4 April 2016.

From the Olfasense B.V. office in Amsterdam, Lieke will assist Olfasense as a dedicated specialist for the further development of the Product & Material Testing market in the Benelux area. With Lieke’s appointment Olfasense will have the opportunity to better assist Benelux clients in assessing and optimising the sensory attributes of their products and materials.

​Lieke is a young sensory professional and has already built up considerable overall​ ​expertise with sensory research​ in the Netherlands and Denmark​. In the coming weeks Lieke will complete an extensive training on specific odour measurement techniques in our Product & Material Testing facilities in Kiel​, Germany​.

Lieke holds a Master’s Degree in Sensory ​Science from Wageningen University​. She is a native Dutch speaker and brings additional language skills in English.


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